Go Back to School with Your Colleagues this Month!

Digital employee volunteers deep clean an elementary school during one of their “Community Giving Days”.

For the first time in several years, there seems to be no question about the return to the classroom. Instead, students will be on campus this fall, learning alongside their classmates. But, after years of constant changes, many public schools could use some assistance preparing to welcome their littlest learners.

If you and your colleagues would like to assist them or get involved in other education-based initiatives, Give To Get can help.

We have been hosting one-off school refurbishments or "Adopt a School" programs for more than 25 years in some of America's most underfunded school districts and crime-filled neighborhoods from New York City to Chicago to Los Angeles.

Our team will work with your local school district to determine which schools are most in need of assistance and the type of help volunteers could provide.

Usually, this entails light construction, painting murals, and deep cleaning. We also offer low-impact activities like sorting books in the library. Once your team has chosen the school and corresponding projects that you'd like to work on, we gather all of the supplies to make your volunteer day a success. We can host these events for a full- or half-day.

We can also bring a hands-on activity that benefits local schools to your office. Office-based projects include assembling various kits and packing backpacks.